Well we have great news the countdown to the next addition to the family is over, our daughter "A" was born on Sunday May 25th and was healthy (6 lbs 6 oz, 19.5" long), other then having to be under the Billy Lights for a couple days and will have to go in for the next couple of days to get retested, but other then that mother and baby are doing great. Here are some pictures.
Here are the the Grandparents and the Great Grandparents holding "A" (we'll let you decide which ones are the GREAT grandparents, lol)
"S" has taken to being a big sister again and loves her new little sister, however, "H" is not so fond of her and could care less. "S" has been a big help and wants to feed and burp "A" whenever mom feeds her
Here are a couple pictures of "A" that we thought you might all like a nice close up of "A's" face and one of her stretching out.
Well that's all for now but more to come later:)